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HomeControl PanelCustom PagesBallot recommendation - Measure D


SUPPORT Measure D:  This good governance measure strengthens the independence of the City of San Diego’s Ethics Commission by empowering it to control its investigations and resources without political interference.

The Commission is the City’s watchdog for violations of ethics, lobbying, and campaign finance laws. It educates and regulates elected officials, lobbyists, campaigns, certain City employees and City consultants, and imposes penalties and fines when violations occur. This measure will bolster the Commission’s ability to hold accountable those it regulates, protecting the interests of the City and its residents.

To regulate fairly and effectively, the Commission must be independent from those it regulates; however, the City’s Charter authorizes City Council control over the Commission. The Council determines its budget and resources; confirms the appointment of its Executive Director; can eliminate the Commission or reduce its responsibilities; and approves its complaint and investigation procedures.

To maintain the public’s confidence and ensure the Commission’s independence, the Charter must be changed to empower our City’s ethics watchdog. Those who are regulated by the Commission should not have control over its funding, procedures for holding individuals accountable, or its ability to do its work.

A yes for this measure:

  • Cements the Commission’s existence in the Charter.

  • Defines the Commission’s responsibilities, qualifications, and term limits.

  • Vests power in the Commission to subpoena witnesses and records, compel attendance and testimony, and conduct investigations.

  • Empowers the Commission to hire its Executive Director without Council confirmation.

  • Authorizes the Commission’s Executive Director to make all hiring decisions.

  • Protects the Commission’s ability to do its work by ensuring it has sufficient resources.

  • Authorizes the Commission to divulge evidence of possible unlawful conduct to other government or law enforcement agencies during an investigation.

These commonsense amendments are intended to ensure our government is more ethical, transparent, and accountable.