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HomeEvents Committee

Participation is limited to LWVSD members

The committee presents events to enable community members to be politically active and informed voters, including arranging speakers, co-sponsors, and venues/video conference platforms. The Zoom link for the meeting is found on the calendar.

What We Do

We plan one, two or more events per month, September to November and January to May, and the schedule will vary depending on factors such as election season and speaker availability.


Join our Tech Team

In order to offer Zoom webinars, we need to have a host to run each webinar.  We offer members training on how to run webinars so that we can call upon a solid pool of members to do this, rather than lean on one or two.  The training and job are quite manageable, and we urge members to get trained.  Please contact the chair if you are interested.

Upcoming Events

See our calendar for upcoming events, which will also be listed in The Voter monthly newsletter as plans are solidified.

Past Events

Recordings of past events can be found on our YouTube channel.