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Co-Chairs: Mary Lou Lindegren & Posy McKinney

Meets on the third Tuesday of every month at 1pm

Participation is open to the public


The purpose of the Sustainability and Environmental Action Committee (SEAC) is to monitor public policies critical to all aspects of climate change and to advocate for and influence the improvement of such public policy, consistent with LWV positions, in order to promote sustainability and environmental justice for all community members.

Environmental Justice Subcommittee
Meets on the fourth Tuesday of every month at 10am
Participation is open to the public

This subcommittee is focusing on the intersection of climate change and health, health equity and environmental justice.

San Diego County Water Interest Group
Chair: Anne Omsted
Meets on the first Thursday of every month at 3pm

Focused on all things related to important water issues in our county: San Diego County Water Authority, various Pure Water projects, desalination proposals, the Colorado River - we will keep an eye on all and anything else relevant.

Recent Articles
Recent SEAC Articles
Presentation by Professor Adam Aron from UC San Diego
Why Has So Little Been Done On The Climate Crisis and What Can We Do?

Recent Articles
Recent Environmental Justice Articles
Recent Articles
Recent Water Articles


SD Sequel Website Link

SEQUEL's goal is to protect worker health and the environment by advocating for the enactment of an equitable ban on gas-powered leaf blowers in all jurisdictions of San Diego County.

SD Building Electrification Coalition's Link to Website

SDBEC supports policies that require any new construction be all-electric and a just transition for impacted workers. It is critical to center equity in the transition to all-electric buildings so that communities of concern benefit from local investments and job creation.

Through education, organization, technical support, and outreach SDBEC seeks to engage with residents and businesses to prevent the burning of fossil fuels which are hazardous to our health and the planet.

Rewild Mission Bay Link to Website

ReWild Mission Bay is a project of San Diego Audubon and ReWild Coalition partners to enhance and restore the natural wetlands in the northeast corner of Mission Bay for cleaner water, greater climate resiliency, carbon sequestration, and improved access to public space along our shared Bayfront.

The Intersection of Health and Climate Change


For the three million people living in San Diego County climate change is increasing the risk of heat waves, air pollution, wildfires, drought, vector borne diseases, and flooding caused from sea level rise. These increased risks will have an impact on public health and significantly affect the region's most vulnerable populations, including children, the elderly, people with chronic diseases, outdoor workers, people living in poverty, and communities of concern.

Click to view full sized document


LWV - The Climate Crisis and Urgent Need for Government Action

Caucus for Environmental Justice presentation (LWV California Convention June 2021)

Informative Videos from Voice of San Diego


For further reading and watching:

  • The Climate Crisis by Adam R. Aron
  • The Heat Will Kill You First by Jeff Goodell
  • Brave Blue World (Netflix)
  • The Story of Stuff
  • Kiss The Ground (Netflix)
  • Where the Water Goes, Life and Death Along the Colorado River by David Owen

Zero Waste Tips

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